You’re struggling.
Something isn’t working in your life right now, and you’re looking for guidance. You want someone with a Torah background and a solid hashkafa, but you can’t find the right person.
Maybe there aren’t any frum therapists in your area to talk to. Or maybe there’s a few of them, but you all know each other and it just wouldn’t work. Or maybe you just live somewhere where everyone knows each other’s business and you want to be sure of your confidentiality.
We can help.
Raffi has semicha and a master's degree in social work. Chana has a master's degree from the Family Institute at Neve Yerushalayim. Between us we've got decades of experience working with people in need.
We can coach you through a variety of difficult situations you might need help with, whether you’re stressed out and anxious, or feeling down and depressed. We work with individuals, couples and families of all stripes, providing guidance from an authentic Orthodox perspective and experience in the mental health field. If you need help with shidduchim, shalom bayis, or chinuch, if you're having trouble at home or at work, we'd love to help you navigate through it.
Please feel free to contact us for a free consultation or more information:

דְּאָגָה בְלֶב אִישׁ... יְשִׂיחֶנָהּ לְאחֵרִים ~ סנהדרין ק:ו
If a man has worry in his heart - let him speak of it to another. ~Sanhedrin 100b
To see what others have said about working with us, click here.
*Note that we do not provide psychotherapy. We are offering religious guidance and personal/relationship coaching.